Elder Financial Asset Management

Jill Wilson, Cheryl Tilse, Wing Hong Chui, Deborah Setterlund, Choon (Oliver) CHAN Heng, Jean Woo

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The prudent management of older people’s financial assets is fundamental to ensuring choice, dignity, and well-being in older age. Families play an important role in assisting older people to manage assets, though these practices have often remained a hidden part of family care. Australian research has demonstrated extensive family involvement in asset management for and with older people and identified a range of risky and safe practices. In Hong Kong, little is known of the practices and experiences of family asset managers and older people whose assets they manage. The views of older people and their carers will be described based on a survey of asset managers and interviews with asset managers and older people. A comparison between Hong Kong and Australia is made, where appropriate, to highlight areas of concern, commonality, and difference.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAging in Hong Kong
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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