Effects of haptic feedback on the wrist during virtual manipulation

Mine Sarac, Allison M. Okamura, Massimiliano Di Luca

Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint

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We propose a haptic system for virtual manipulation to provide feedback on the user's forearm instead of the fingertips. In addition to visual rendering of the manipulation with virtual fingertips, we employ a device to deliver normal or shear skin-stretch at multiple points near the wrist. To understand how design parameters influence the experience, we investigated the effect of the number and location of sensory feedback on stiffness perception. Participants compared stiffness values of virtual objects, while the haptic bracelet provided interaction feedback on the dorsal, ventral, or both sides of the wrist. Stiffness discrimination judgments and duration, as well as qualitative results collected verbally, indicate no significant difference in stiffness perception with stimulation at different and multiple locations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2022

Bibliographical note

2 pages, work-in-progress paper on haptics symposium, 2020


  • cs.RO
  • cs.HC


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