Effect of Relatively Low Levels of Porosity on the Plasticity of Metals and Implications for Profilometry‐Based Indentation Plastometry

Rebecca Reiff-Musgrove, Wenchen Gu, Jimmy E. Campbell, John Reidy, Animesh Bose, Aadithya Chitrapur, Yuanbo Tang, Max Burley, Trevor william Clyne*

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Herein, the effect of dispersed (relatively low levels of) porosity within a metal on its plastic deformation is examined. Stainless steel samples, made via additive manufacturing, are used in the work. It's found that porosity reduces stress levels during yielding and work hardening, approximately in proportion to the pore content. There is no significant difference between the strength of the effect during tension and compression, although porosity does reduce the tensile ductility. Finally, the profilometry-based indentation plastometry (PIP) methodology (for obtaining stress–strain curves from indentation testing) are used. Porosity tends to bring the inferred yield stress down more strongly than during tensile testing and give higher initial rates of work hardening. This is associated with high local strains near the indenter causing closure of pores, so that volume is not conserved during the test. The resultant reduction in the pile-up around the indent creates errors in the inferred stress–strain curve.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2200642
Number of pages8
JournalAdvanced Engineering Materials
Issue number12
Early online date24 Jun 2022
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022

Bibliographical note

Relevant support for TWC was received from EPSRC (grant EP/I038691/1) and from the Leverhulme Trust, in the form of an international network grant (IN-2016-004) and an Emeritus fellowship (EM/2019-038/4).


  • Gurson model
  • indentation plastometry
  • inverse finite-element method
  • porosity


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