Effect of prior oxidation on high cycle fatigue performance of RR1000 and role of oxidation in fatigue crack initiation

S. Cruchley, Mary Taylor, Hangyue Li, H. E. Evans, P. Bowen, D. J. Child, M. C. Hardy

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The effect of prior oxidation on the room temperature fatigue life of coarse grained Ni based superalloy, RR1000 has been performed at an R ratio of 0·1 with two pre-oxidation times: 100 and 2000 h at 700°C. These pre-exposures produce extensive oxidation damage. The room temperature high cycle fatigue life of the pre-oxidised specimens has been compared to as received specimens. At a maximum applied stress of 800 MPa a significant fatigue life deficit is observed in the pre-oxidised testpieces. This is accompanied with the observations of significant cracking of the external chromia scale and the intergranular internal oxides within the area of maximum stress. Preferential cracking of oxides may lead to early crack initiation and consequently a reduction in total fatigue life.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)68-73
Number of pages6
JournalMaterials at High Temperatures
Issue number1-2
Early online date19 Jan 2015
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 19 Jan 2015


  • oxidation
  • fatigue crack initiation
  • high cycle fatigue


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