Effect of feed body geometry on separation performance of hydrocyclone

Xinghua Yang, Mark J. H. Simmons, Peikun Liu, Yuekan Zhang, Lanyue Jiang

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The misplacement of coarse particles in overflow and fine particles in underflow are problems in hydrocyclone separation. This paper proposes improved feed body design of a hydrocyclone and the effect of feed body geometry on the flow field and separation performance is investigated experimentally and theoretically using PIV and CFD, respectively. The air core formation and the velocity field are in good agreement using both approaches. Further simulated results indicate that the tapered feed body causes a reduction in fines entrainment by underflow, suitable for fine particles classification. In contrast, the conical feed body is advantageous for eliminating short circuiting.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalSeparation Science and Technology
Early online date3 Dec 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Dec 2018


  • Hydrocyclone
  • CFD
  • PIV
  • feed body
  • separation


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