Educating Young People about Vulnerability to Sexual Exploitation: Safeguarding Practitioners’ Standpoints at the Intersections of Gender, Sexuality and Risk

Gabe Mythen*, Samantha Weston

*Corresponding author for this work

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This article discusses findings from a qualitative study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) awareness-raising programme targeted at young people. Drawing on data from in-depth interviews with practitioners involved in a multi-agency team established to reduce vulnerability to CSE, we elucidate that, in addition to being directed by professional codes, practitioners’ perceptions and judgements were also influenced by gendered assumptions and underlying anxieties about childhood sexuality. The empirical data presented suggest that attitudes towards young people and intervention decisions are partially steered by cultural values that connect not only to personal morals but also influence decisions made in conjunction with professional risk analytic frameworks. Our analysis indicates that broader investigation of the commingling of personal and professional values in safeguarding contexts is required, alongside the creation of protected spaces for professional reflection and dialogue amongst practitioners to support decision-making.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberbcad201
JournalBritish Journal of Social Work
Early online date7 Sept 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 7 Sept 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding: The work contained in this article was supported by Staffordshire Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner.


  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • practitioner perceptions
  • risk
  • safeguarding
  • young people


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