Dualities for rational multi-particle Painlevé systems: Spectral versus Ruijsenaars

Ilia Gaiur, Vladimir Rubtsov

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The extension of the Painlev\'e-Calogero coorespondence for n-particle Inozemtsev systems raises to the multi-particle generalisations of the Painlev\'e equations which may be obtained by the procedure of Hamiltonian reduction applied to the matrix or non-commutative Painlev\'e systems, which also gives isomonodromic formulation for these non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems. We provide here dual systems for the rational multi-particle Painlev\'e systems (PI,PII and PIV) by reduction from another intersection a coadjoint orbit of GL(n) action with the level set of moment map. We describe this duality in terms of the spectral curve of non-reduced system in comparison to the Ruijsenaars duality.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 29 Dec 2019

Bibliographical note

25 pages, 1 figure. Few misprints and a computational mistake in the interactive term of PII are corrected. The Appendix with technical computations is added


  • math-ph
  • math.MP


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