Digital In-Line Holography as a Three-Dimensional Tool to Study Motile Marine Organisms During Their Exploration of Surfaces

M Heydt, A Rosenhahn, M Grunze, Michala Pettitt, Maureen Callow, James Callow

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

51 Citations (Scopus)


The swimming patterns of zoospores of the green alga Ulva linza in the vicinity of a surface were investigated by digital in-line holography. Full 3D motion patterns were retrieved from measurements and the traces obtained were compared with known swimming patterns of spores of the brown alga Hincksia irregularis and the green alga Ulva linza as seen in a conventional optical microscope. Quantitative information such as swimming velocity was calculated from the 3D traces. The results demonstrate the potential of digital in- line holography to image and quantify exploratory patterns of behavior of motile spores close to surfaces. This technique can give detailed insight into mechanisms of surface colonization by spores and larvae of fouling organisms in response to changes in surface properties.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)417-430
Number of pages14
JournalThe Journal of Adhesion
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2007


  • digital in-line holography
  • biofouling
  • surface exploration
  • Gabor
  • Ulva linza
  • three-dimensional tracking
  • exploration pattern


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