Developing Participatory Approaches for Use in an Action Research Project with Teachers Who Support Children with Visual Impairment in Kenya and Uganda: reflections on the relational praxis between participants and research institutions

Paul Lynch, Michael McLinden, Graeme Douglas, Stephen McCall

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Participatory research is a broad term covering a range of approaches that are
characterised by a focus on ‘action-oriented’ research involving researchers and participants working in collaboration to bring about positive change. These approaches emphasise engagement with coresearchers and the development and implementation of context-appropriate strategies that seek to
empower and transform at a number of levels. This article explores the dynamics of a multi-agency and multinational research programme that investigated the working practices of specialist teachers of children with visual impairment in Uganda and Kenya. The research utilised a range of participatory
methods, including workshops and a dedicated practice journal, to provide opportunities for participants to record information about their practice and share their experiences with colleagues. The article analyses the effectiveness of the approach, with a particular focus on the ‘relational praxis’ between the project partners. This analysis highlights the complex nature of the collaborative
relationships when research is transnational and operates across cultural, social and environmental contexts. Considerations are offered for research design in this area.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalResearch in Comparative and International Education
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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