Deformation Mechanisms Rationalisation to Design for Creep Resistance in Polycrystalline Ni-Based Superalloys

D. Barba*, A. Egan, S. Utada, Y. Gong, Y. T. Tang, V. Mazanova, M. J. Mills, R. C. Reed

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Creep strength in polycrystalline Ni-based superalloys is influenced by the formation of a rich variety of planar faults forming within the strengthening γ' phase. The lengthening and thickening rate of these faults – and therefore the creep rate – depends on an intriguing combination of dislocation interactions at the γ-γ' interface and diffusional processes of the alloying elements at the core of the fault tip. The effect of alloy composition on this process is not fully understood. In this work we use correlative high resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to study the deformation faults in two different Ni-based superalloys with carefully designed ratios of disordering-to-ordering-promoting elements (Co-Cr against Nb-Ta-Ti). The results show that the additions of ordering-promoting elements reduce the diffusional processes required for the faults to lengthen and thicken thus reducing the creep rates found for the higher Nb-Ta-Ti alloy. These insights provide a path to follow in the design of improved grades of creep-resistant polycrystalline alloys beyond 700 C.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1886–1901
Number of pages16
JournalMetallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Early online date15 Jan 2023
Publication statusPublished - May 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding from the USAF Air Force is acknowledged under Grant FA9550- 18-1-7000. MJM acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation and the DMREF program under Grant #1922239.


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