Crossing Phenomena in Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE) Structure in 3D Space Considering Soil-Structure Interaction

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Nowadays, the electric train becomes one of the efficient railway systems that are lighter, cleaner, quieter, cheaper and faster than a conventional train. Overhead line equipment (OHLE), which supplies electric power to the trains, is designed on the principle of overhead wires placed over the railway track. The OHLE is supported by mast structure which located at the lineside along the track. Normally, mast structure is a steel column or truss structure which supports the overhead wire carrying the power. Due to the running train and severe periodic force, such as an earthquake, in surrounding area may cause damage to the OHLE structure especially mast structure which leads to the failure of the electrical system. The mast structure needs to be discussed in order to resist the random forces. Due to the vibration effect, the natural frequencies of the structure are necessary. This is because when the external applied force occurs within a range of frequency of the structure, resonance effect can be expected which lead to the large oscillations and deflections. The natural frequency of a system is dependent only on the stiffness of the structure and the mass which participates with the structure, including self-weight. The modal analysis is used in order to calculate the mode shapes and natural frequencies of the mast structure during free vibration. A mast structure with varying rotational soil stiffness is used to observe the influence of soil-structure action. It is common to use finite element analysis to perform a modal analysis. This paper presents the fundamental mode shapes, natural frequencies and crossing phenomena of three-dimensional mast structure considering soil-structure interaction. The sensitivity of mode shapes to the variation of soil-structure interaction is discussed. The outcome of this study will improve the understanding of the fundamental dynamic behaviour of the mast structure which supports the OHLE. Moreover, this study will be a recommendation for the structural engineer to associate with the behaviour of mast structure during vibration.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWorld Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering - Architecture - Urban Planning Symposium
PublisherIOP Publishing Ltd.
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventWorld Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering - Architecture - Urban Planning Symposium: WMCAUS2017 - Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Duration: 12 Jun 201716 Jun 2017

Publication series

NameIOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.


ConferenceWorld Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering - Architecture - Urban Planning Symposium
Abbreviated titleWMCAUS2017
Country/TerritoryCzech Republic
Internet address


  • Crossing phenomena
  • Overheal Line Equipment
  • Mast Structure
  • Soil-Structure Interaction
  • Dynamic mode coupling
  • Overhead Wiring Structure
  • Railway


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