Creep and shrinkage models for railway prestressed concrete sleepers: A review

Dan Li, Sakdirat Kaewunruen, Peter Robery, Alex Remennikov

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Creep and shrinkage of railway prestressed concrete sleepers play vital role in serviceability performance required for safe and reliable operations of a railway line. The time-dependent effects depend largely on various environmental and loading condition factors. Many investigators in the past have proposed various material models to predict creep and shrinkage effects but those were mostly applied to general reinforced concrete members. In contrast, prestressed concrete design needs a suitable model for predicting the time dependent behaviour of prestressed concrete structures such as long span bridges, stadiums, silos and confined nuclear power plants, etc. This paper highlights the constitutive models, which have led to predictive models that could be realistically applied to prestressed concrete. This paper presents a critical review of creep and shrinkage effects on railway prestressed concrete sleepers. Three common design codes have been considered, including European Standard EUROCODE2, American Standard ACI and Australian Standard AS3600-2009. The study results show that EUROCODE2 and AS3600 are very coherent and consistent. The paper also highlights the construction and practical issues as a result of undesirable creep and shrinkage effects at different time frames.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication15th East-Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction
PublisherTongji University
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 11 Oct 2017
Event15th East-Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction: Railway Infrastructure - Xi’an, China, Xi’an, China
Duration: 11 Oct 201713 Oct 2017


Conference15th East-Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction
Abbreviated titleEASEC15
Internet address


  • railway
  • prestressed concrete
  • sleepers
  • creep
  • shrinkage


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