Constructing genetic linkage maps under a tetrasomic model

Zewei Luo, Ze Zhang, Lindsey Leach, RM Zhang, JE Bradshaw, Michael Kearsey

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43 Citations (Scopus)


An international consortium has launched the whole-genome sequencing of potato, the fourth most important food crop in the world. Construction of genetic linkage maps is an inevitable step for taking advantage of the genome projects for the development of novel cultivars in the autotetraploid crop species. However, linkage analysis in autopolyploids, the kernel of linkage map construction, is theoretically challenging and methodologically unavailable in the current literature. We present here a theoretical analysis and a statistical method for tetrasomic linkage analysis with dominant and/or codominant molecular markers. The analysis reveals some essential properties of the tetrasomic model. The method accounts properly for double reduction and incomplete information of marker phenotype in regard to the corresponding phenotype in estimating the coefficients of double reduction and recombination frequency and in testing their significance by using the marker phenotype data. Computer simulation was developed to validate the analysis and the method and a case study with 201 AFLP and SSR markers scored on 228 full-sib individuals of autotetraploid potato is used to illustrate the utility of the method in map construction in autotetraploid species.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2635-2645
Number of pages11
Early online date16 Jan 2006
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2006


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