Considerations on adaptation pathways in transport sector

Research output: Other contribution


Climate change is known to contribute to more frequent and intense weather events, including floods, heatwaves, storms, and other extreme weather phenomena. These events can have significant impacts on transport infrastructure, services, and users. Transport infrastructure owners and operators must adapt to a range of these hazards associated with a changing climate. Adaptation pathways can be described as a sequence of interlinked and flexible actions that can be progressively implemented, based on future dynamics and changes to risk, through early actions that do not compromise future actions and assist in providing overall adaptation to climatic changes. The use of adaptation pathways can assist transport infrastructure owners and operators to adapt their existing assets to maintain desired operational performance under future and perhaps unknown climate conditions. This guide seeks to provide guidance to transport infrastructure owners, operators and managers on understanding and developing adaptation pathways for their individual transport assets. The guide provides an adaptation pathways framework suited for use by transport infrastructure professionals to structure short- medium- and long-term climate preparedness planning.
Original languageEnglish
TypeWorking Document
Media of outputText - Online
PublisherUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 4 Sept 2023


  • Climate Change
  • Adaptation
  • Adaptation Pathways


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