Comparison of time taken from initial presentation to histological diagnosis of Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) in Birmingham, United Kingdom and Strasbourg, France

Ammar Natalwala, Viren Bharkhada, Georges Noel, Garth Cruickshank

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of this study was to investigate possible delays in referral time for Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients diagnosed at two similar neurosurgical centres (in Birmingham, UK and Strasbourg, France) and their impact on survival. Differences in the referral patterns for GBM patients within these healthcare systems may affect subsequent management and are potential targets to optimise the care of patients with GBM.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)358-61
Number of pages4
JournalClinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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