Comparing glycaemic benefits of active versus passive lifestyle Intervention in kidney allograft recipients (CAVIAR): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Joanne Wilcox, Chantelle Waite, Lyndsey Tomlinson, Joanne Driscoll, Asra Karim, Edward Day, Adnan Sharif

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Lifestyle modification is widely recommended to kidney allograft recipients post transplantation due to the cardiometabolic risks associated with immunosuppression including new-onset diabetes, weight gain and cardiovascular events. However, we have no actual evidence that undertaking lifestyle modification protects from any adverse outcomes post transplantation. The aim of this study is to compare whether a more proactive versus passive interventional approach to modify lifestyle is associated with superior outcomes post kidney transplantation.

We designed this prospective, single-centre, open-label, randomised controlled study to compare the efficacy of active versus passive lifestyle intervention for kidney allograft recipients early post transplantation. A total of 130 eligible patients, who are stable, nondiabetic and between 3 and 24 months post kidney transplantation, will be recruited. Randomisation is being undertaken by random block permutations into passive (n = 65, leaflet guidance only) versus active lifestyle modification (n = 65, supervised intervention) over a 6-month period. Supervised intervention is being facilitated by two dietitians during the 6-month intervention period to provide continuous lifestyle intervention guidance, support and encouragement. Both dietitians are accredited with behavioural intervention skills and will utilise motivational aids to support study recruits randomised to active intervention. The primary outcome is change in abnormal glucose metabolism parameters after 6 months of comparing active versus passive lifestyle intervention. Secondary outcomes include changes in a wide array of cardiometabolic parameters, kidney allograft function and patient-reported outcome measures. Long-term tracking of patients via data linkage to electronic patient records and national registries will facilitate long-term comparison of outcomes after active versus passive lifestyle intervention beyond the 6-month intervention period.

This is the first randomised controlled study to investigate the benefits of active versus passive lifestyle intervention in kidney allograft recipients for the prevention of abnormal cardiometabolic outcomes. In addition, this is the first example of utilising behaviour therapy intervention post kidney transplantation to achieve clinically beneficial outcomes, which has potential implications on many spheres of post-transplant care.

Trial registration
This study was registered with the Clinical Trials Registry on 27 August 2014 ( Identifier: NCT02233491).
Original languageEnglish
Article number417
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 22 Aug 2016


  • Kidney transplantation
  • Post-transplantation diabetes
  • New-onset diabetes after transplantation
  • Glycaemic metabolism
  • Weight gain
  • Cardiometabolic
  • Lifestyle intervention
  • Lifestyle modification
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Motivation
  • Active
  • Passive


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