Collaboration in Digital Humanities Research – Persisting Silences

Gabrielle Griffin, Matthew Hayler

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Collaboration has become a hallmark of Digital Humanities (DH) research. Nonetheless it remains under¬discussed and for those not deeply engaged in DH a bit of a mystery. Drawing on recent DH work and publications that engage with questions of DH collaboration in different ways (e.g. [Deegan and McCarthy] [Griffin and Hayler 2016] [Hayler and Griffin 2016]), we analyse three types of DH collaboration: 1) human-human interactions; 2) humanmachine/material interactions; and 3) machine/material¬machine/material interactions. We argue that engagement with collaboration processes and practices enables us to think through how DH tools and practices reinforce, resist, shape, and encode material realities which both pre-exist, and are co¬produced by them. We suggest that understanding these entanglements facilitates a critical DH in which academic hierarchies and disciplinary preconceptions are challenged.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages20
JournalDigital Humanities Quarterly
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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