Chromatin priming renders T cell tolerance-associated genes sensitive to activation below the signaling threshold for immune response genes

Sarah L. Bevington, Sky T. H. Ng, Graham J. Britton, Peter Keane, David C. Wraith, Peter N. Cockerill

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Immunological homeostasis in T cells is maintained by a tightly regulated signaling and transcriptional network. Full engagement of effector T cells occurs only when signaling exceeds a critical threshold that enables induction of immune response genes carrying an epigenetic memory of prior activation. Here we investigate the underlying mechanisms causing the suppression of normal immune responses when T cells are rendered anergic by tolerance induction. By performing an integrated analysis of signaling, epigenetic modifications, and gene expression, we demonstrate that immunological tolerance is established when both signaling to and chromatin priming of immune response genes are weakened. In parallel, chromatin priming of immune-repressive genes becomes boosted, rendering them sensitive to low levels of signaling below the threshold needed to activate immune response genes. Our study reveals how repeated exposure to antigens causes an altered epigenetic state leading to T cell anergy and tolerance, representing a basis for treating auto-immune diseases.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107748
Number of pages25
JournalCell Reports
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jun 2020


  • T cell
  • tolerance
  • chromatin
  • epigenetic
  • gene regulation
  • signaling
  • transcription factor
  • CTLA4
  • IL-10
  • Cbl-b


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