Children and sexting: The case for intergenerational co-learning

Nicholas Lee, Angela Hewett, Clara Jørgensen, Jerome Turner, Alex Wade, Annalise Weckesser

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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Children’s sexting is presented as an emergent outcome of technology-based innovation in children’s peer-to-peer relations. We argue that it calls for creative responses that draw on adults’ and children’s understandings and views and on exchanges of these. We describe, and make the case for, intergenerational co-learning as a practice that could foster such creativity, as a pathway for children’s participation in the debate, and as a means by which media regulators, children’s service providers, and social media companies can consider and address their capabilities and responsibilities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-15
Publication statusPublished - 18 May 2018


  • agency
  • co-learning
  • intergenerational
  • participation
  • responsibility
  • sexting
  • social media


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