CD103+CD11b+ mucosal classical dendritic cells initiate long-term switched antibody responses to flagellin

A Flores-Langarica, K Müller Luda, E K Persson, C N Cook, S Bobat, J L Marshall, M W Dahlgren, K Hägerbrand, K M Toellner, M D Goodall, David Withers, I R Henderson, B Johansson Lindbom, Adam Cunningham, W W Agace

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Antibody responses induced at mucosal and nonmucosal sites demonstrate a significant level of autonomy. Here, we demonstrate a key role for mucosal interferon regulatory factor-4 (IRF4)-dependent CD103+CD11b+ (DP), classical dendritic cells (cDCs) in the induction of T-dependent immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) responses in the mesenteric lymph node (MLN) following systemic immunization with soluble flagellin (sFliC). In contrast, IRF8-dependent CD103+CD11b- (SP) are not required for these responses. The lack of this response correlated with a complete absence of sFliC-specific plasma cells in the MLN, small intestinal lamina propria, and surprisingly also the bone marrow (BM). Many sFliC-specific plasma cells accumulating in the BM of immunized wild-type mice expressed α4β7+, suggesting a mucosal origin. Collectively, these results suggest that mucosal DP cDC contribute to the generation of the sFliC-specific plasma cell pool in the BM and thus serve as a bridge linking the mucosal and systemic immune system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)681-692
Number of pages12
JournalMucosal immunology
Issue number3
Early online date20 Dec 2017
Publication statusPublished - May 2018


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