Carbon isotopic characterisation of dissolved organic matter during water treatment

Jonathan Bridgeman, Pauline Gulliver, Jessie Roe, Andy Baker

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Water treatment is a series of physio-chemical processes to aid organic matter (OM) removal, which helps to minimise the formation of potentially carcinogenic disinfection by-products and microbial regrowth. Changes in OM character through the treatment processes can provide insight into the treatment efficiency, but radiogenic isotopic characterisation techniques have yet to be applied. Here, we show for the first time that analysis of 13C and 14C of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) effectively characterises dissolved OM through a water treatment works. At the sites investigated: post-clarification, DOC becomes isotopically lighter, due to an increased proportion of relatively hydrophilic DOC. Filtration adds ‘old’ 14C-DOC from abrasion of the filter media, whilst the use of activated carbon adds ‘young’ 14C-DOC, most likely from the presence of biofilms. Overall, carbon isotopes provide clear evidence for the first time that new sources of organic carbon are added within the treatment processes, and that treated water is isotopically lighter and typically younger in 14C-DOC age than untreated water. We anticipate our findings will precipitate real-time monitoring of treatment performance using stable carbon isotopes, with associated improvements in energy and carbon footprint (e.g. isotopic analysis used as triggers for filter washing and activated carbon regeneration) and public health benefits resulting from improved carbon removal.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)119-125
JournalWater Research
Early online date19 Sept 2013
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014


  • Drinking water treatment
  • Organic matter
  • Carbon isotopes
  • Radiocarbon
  • Carbon removal


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