Bisimulation Learning

Alessandro Abate, Mirco Giacobbe, Yannik Schnitzer

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We introduce a data-driven approach to computing finite bisimulations for state transition systems with very large, possibly infinite state space. Our novel technique computes stutter-insensitive bisimulations of deterministic systems, which we characterize as the problem of learning a state classifier together with a ranking function for each class. Our procedure learns a candidate state classifier and candidate ranking functions from a finite dataset of sample states; then, it checks whether these generalise to the entire state space using satisfiability modulo theory solving. Upon the affirmative answer, the procedure concludes that the classifier constitutes a valid stutter-insensitive bisimulation of the system. Upon a negative answer, the solver produces a counterexample state for which the classifier violates the claim, adds it to the dataset, and repeats learning and checking in a counterexample-guided inductive synthesis loop until a valid bisimulation is found. We demonstrate on a range of benchmarks from reactive verification and software model checking that our method yields faster verification results than alternative state-of-the-art tools in practice. Our method produces succinct abstractions that enable an effective verification of linear temporal logic without next operator, and are interpretable for system diagnostics.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 May 2024

Bibliographical note

The conference version of this manuscript appeared at CAV'24.


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