Best practice in reporting corona studies: Minimum Information about Nanomaterial Biocorona Experiments (MINBE)

Andrew J. Chetwynd, Korin E. Wheeler, Iseult Lynch

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Characterisation of the adsorption of biomolecules, or a biocorona, on nanomaterials has proliferated in the past 10 years, as protein corona studies provide molecular level insight into mechanisms of cellular recognition, uptake, and toxicity of nanomaterials. At the crossroads of two rapidly evolving orthogonal fields, nanoscience and proteomics, the interdisciplinarity of protein corona studies creates challenges for experimental design and reporting. Here we propose a flexible checklist for experimental design and reporting guidelines to outline Minimum Information about Nanomaterial Biocorona Experiments (MINBE). The checklist for experimental design, compiled after review of reporting within the protein corona literature, provides researchers with prompts to ensure best practice experimental approaches for each stage of the workflow, collated from the nanoscience, proteomics, and bioinformatics fields. Reporting guidelines are also assembled from established sources, integrated to span the entire workflow and extended and modified to aid interdisciplinary researchers in the most challenging stages of the workflow. Where appropriate, de novo guidelines to address areas specific to protein corona studies, including exposure conditions and isolation of adsorbed proteins, were written. The MINBE guidelines provide protein corona researchers with a conduit between materials science techniques and proteomics. Implementation of these guidelines is anticipated to catalyse enhanced quality, impact, and extent of data mining and computational modelling of protein corona composition and its role in nanosafety and nanomedicine. Furthermore, high quality experimental design and reporting in the bio-nanosciences will enhance the next phase of targeted nanomedicines and sustainable nanotechnologies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100758
JournalNano Today: an international rapid reviews journal
Early online date17 Aug 2019
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019


  • proteomics
  • LC-MS/MS
  • corona
  • nanoparticle
  • nanomaterial
  • reproducibility


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