Backbone assignments, and effect of Asn deamidation, of the N-terminal region of the partitioning protein IncC1 from the plasmid RK2

M Fayyaz Rehman, M Jeeves, E I Hyde

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IncC from the low-copy number plasmid RK2, is a member of the ParA family of proteins required for partitioning DNA in many bacteria and plasmids. It is an ATPase that binds DNA and its ParB protein partner, KorB. Together, the proteins move replicated DNA to appropriate cellular positions, so that each daughter cell inherits a copy on cell division. IncC from RK2 is expressed in two forms. IncC2 is homologous to bacterial ParA proteins, while IncC1 has an N-terminal extension of 105 amino acids and is similar in length to ParA homologues in other plasmids. We have been examining the role of this extension, here called IncC NTD. We present its backbone NMR chemical shift assignments and show that it is entirely intrinsically disordered. The assignments were achieved using C-detected, CON-based spectra, complemented by HNN spectra to obtain connectivities from three adjacent amino acids. We also observed evidence of deamidation of the protein at a GNGG sequence, to give isoAsp, giving 2 sets of peaks for residues up to 5 amino acids on either side of the modification. We have assigned resonances from around the position of modification for this form of the protein.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)305-310
JournalBiomolecular NMR assignments
Issue number2
Early online date15 Apr 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Apr 2021


  • Deamidation
  • IncC
  • Intrinsic disorder
  • IsoAspartate
  • ParA


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