Asphalt pavement cold recycling and basic characteristics of RAP materials and their application

Alemayehu Endale, Gurmel Ghataora, Michael Burrow

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In the developed countries significant proportion of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials are used in the construction of pavements. Until recently, milled asphalt from old roads was sent to tip as waste. However, in recent years there has been increased use of waste materials in many road projects within the capital city and federal road network. Use of RAP materials is relatively new to Ethiopia and understanding its characteristics and related technology with all its potential environmental, economic and social benefits is important. Cold recycling is desired due to its potential economic benefit. In this study characteristics of RAP materials are assessed both from literature and laboratory investigations in order to better understand its performance and use. Questionnaire survey was undertaken to identify factors that are hindering recycling of materials in pavements in Ethiopia and what is to be done to overcome these factors. A policy statement is derived to support a quick start and implementation of asphalt pavement recycling in Ethiopia. Currently, a huge asphalt pavement network is being constructed and virgin construction material exploration and import materials such as bitumen is costing the country a lot of money. Over USD 7 Billion worth asphalt pavement have been constructed over the last 23 years to serve the public and freight transport, which requires about USD 176 million annually for maintenance and rehabilitation works. Therefore, any saving obtained from recycling will have meaningful impact on cost saving and environment preservation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-51
JournalJournal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jan 2022


  • RAP
  • recycling
  • binder
  • aggregate
  • policy
  • CIR
  • cold in-place
  • FDR


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