Analyzing the Generality of Conflict Adaptation Effects

M Jesus Funes, J Lupianez, Glyn Humphreys

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92 Citations (Scopus)


Conflict adaptation effects refer to the reduction of interference when the incongruent stimulus occurs immediately after an incongruent trial, compared with when it occurs after a congruent trial. The present study analyzes the key conditions that lead to adaptation effects that are specific to the type of conflict involved versus those that are conflict general. In the first 2 experiments, we combined 2 types of conflict for which compatibility arises from clearly different sources in terms of dimensional overlap while keeping the task context constant across conflict types. We found a clear pattern of specificity on conflict adaptation across conflict types. In subsequent experiments, we tested whether this pattern could be accounted in terms of feature integration processes contributing differently to repetition versus alternation of conflict types. The results clearly indicated that feature integration was not key to generating conflict type specificity on conflict adaptation. The data are consistent with there being separate modes of control for different types of cognitive conflict.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)147-161
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2010


  • cognitive control
  • congruency effect
  • Simon
  • conflict adaptation
  • Eriksen flanker test
  • spatial Stroop


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