An exploratory study of Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator’s knowledge and experience of working with children who have sustained a brain injury

Julia Howe

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This research aimed to measure Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators knowledge of the educational implications of acquired brain injury in children and young people and whether experience of working with pupils with a brain injury or additional training impacts upon this knowledge. Data was collected within one local authority in England using an online survey. The results indicated that the respondents had high levels of uncertainty regarding the impact of a brain injury though they were more confident in those areas which related most closely to their practice. The responses suggested that experience of working with a pupil with a brain injury promoted greater knowledge than receiving training; however the results showed that only a minority of SENCos had received any training and those who had tended to have undertaken this independently. This suggests that there is a need for SENCos to be provided with specialist training in order to increase their understanding of the impact of acquired brain injury in children and young people.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)85-100
Number of pages16
JournalSupport for Learning
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2017


  • Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • education
  • children
  • schools


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