A study of an Asian anthropometric pedestrian in vehicle-pedestrian accidents using real world accident data

Rong Guo, Clive Neal-Sturgess, Ahamedali Hassan, Yuanzhi Hu

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Real-world road accident data involving pedestrians were obtained from police records in Beijing. In total, 158 vehicle-pedestrian accidents were included in this study, from which the accident characteristics were identified. The data were analysed and the overall epidemiology established. In addition representative cases were studied in depth using MADYMO reconstructions. For accuracy, a MADYMO pedestrian model based on Chinese anthropometric values was developed. A comparable European-size MADYMO model has also been used to demonstrate the differences between the two anthropometric types. Using the Chinese pedestrian model, a complete accident event is reconstructed, in terms of pre-impact behaviour, causation, injury characteristics and post-impact kinematics.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)541-551
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Crashworthiness
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2006


  • accident reconstruction
  • road safety
  • pedestrian accident


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