A pile–soil interaction model for ground-borne vibration problems based on the singular boundary method

Kenny F. Conto*, Robert Arcos Villamarín, Arnau Clot Razquin, Evangelos Ntotsios, Hassan Liravi, Aires Colaço, David J. Thompson

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An efficient three-dimensional approach for solving pile–soil interaction problems is proposed. In the approach, the soil is modelled as an elastic half-space, and its response in the presence of the pile’s corresponding cavity is computed by employing the singular boundary method. The pile is modelled analytically using the classic rod and Euler–Bernoulli beam theories. For the coupling with the soil, the pile is divided in a set of rigid segments that interact along their circumference with the soil. The methodology allows the rotational motions and reaction torques at these segments to be accounted for and their contribution in the accuracy of the scheme is assessed. A criterion to define the minimum number of collocation points that offers an acceptable trade-off between accuracy and numerical performance is also proposed. The method is validated against well-established methodologies and using the reciprocity principle that relates the wave radiation from the pile to the ground field with the incident wave problem due to a load on the ground surface. Results are shown for different soil stiffnesses and different pile length to diameter ratios. The employment of the singular boundary method is shown to provide strong computational advantages to detailed modelling approaches such as the three-dimensional finite element-boundary element method, as well as overcoming the fundamental limitations of plane-strain and axisymmetric methods.
Original languageEnglish
Article number118057
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of Sound and Vibration
Early online date22 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jan 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Pile–soil interaction
  • Single piled-foundation
  • Singular boundary method (SBM)
  • Soil–structure interaction


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