A Newly Identified Old Latin Gospel Manuscript: Würzburg Universitatsbibliothek m.p.th.f.67

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Several Latin manuscripts of the Gospels are described as ‘mixed texts’, which combine Old Latin and Vulgate readings. Würzburg Universitätsbibliothek M.p.th.f.67, a ninth-century gospel book possibly of Breton origin, has been called a ‘mixed text’ although it has not hitherto featured in the list of Old Latin manuscripts published by the Institut Vetus Latina. A full collation of the text of John reveals that in two portions (John 1:1-5:40 and John 12:34-13:10) it may be categorised as Old Latin. Many non-Vulgate readings in these passages are shared with other Old Latin codices (notably Codex Rehdigeranus), while other variants peculiar to this manuscript correspond to citations by Augustine and Jerome. It is also one of the very few Latin witnesses to an additional phrase in John 8:9. Although the Synoptic Gospels have not been collated, they too have a partial Old Latin affiliation, which is particularly extensive in Matthew. As a result of this study, this manuscript has now been given the number Vetus Latina 11A.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-21
Number of pages21
JournalThe Journal of Theological Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2009

Bibliographical note


This online version is the author's pre-print version before it was copy-edited and prepared for publication. Citations to the article should refer to the final published version.


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