A modified protocol for the isolation of Primary Human Hepatocytes with improved viability and function from normal and diseased human liver

David Bartlett, Philip Newsome

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

1 Citation (Scopus)


Successful hepatocyte isolation is critical for continued development of cellular transplantation. However, most tissue available for research is from diseased liver and the results of hepatocyte isolation from such tissue are inferior compared to normal tissue. Here we describe a modified method, combining the use of Liberase and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), for the isolation of primary human hepatocytes with high viability from normal and diseased liver.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHepatocyte Transplantation
Subtitle of host publicationMethods and Protocols
Place of PublicationNew York
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4939-6506-9
ISBN (Print)978-1-4939-6504-5
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2017


  • Human hepatocyte
  • Hepatocyte isolation
  • Hepatocyte viability
  • Liberase N-Acetylcysteine


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