A Just Weight and Measure: Embodied Economics and the Relationship between Worship and Economic Transaction

Joshua Abrego

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The concept of a ‘just weight and measure’ within the Bible is one that has insightful value for Christian ethics and economic transactions. Considering that in many situations law and judicial systems within Western society are not capable of completely constraining unethical economic transactions, what society requires are alternative motivations to enact ethical economic transactions. This article is focused on proposing a possible motivation for Christians considering the ever-growing complexities within the marketplace. It draws on insights on the concept of a ‘just weight and measure’ in Deuteronomy and its conceptual use within the books of the eighth-century prophets. A primary insight that is highlighted is the relationship between the unethical economic transactions in eighth-century Israel and God's rejection of their cultic services. When applied analogically to contemporary contexts, lessons can be gleaned from the concept of a ‘just weight and measure’ for Christian ethical economic transactions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109-126
Number of pages18
JournalStudies in Christian ethics
Issue number1
Early online date21 Oct 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 21 Oct 2021


  • conceptual metaphor theory
  • embodiment
  • embodied economics
  • worship


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