90 GHz Micro Laser Sintered Filter: Reproducibility and Quality Assessment

Milan Salek, Xiaobang Shang, Mike Lancaster, Robert C. Roberts, Thomas Starke, Falko Boettcher, Daniel Weber

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


This paper presents reproducibility and quality assessment of two identical 90 GHz micro laser sintered waveguide bandpass filters. Both filters operating at center frequency of 90 GHz, with bandwidth of 10 GHz and return loss of 20 dB. The filters are fabricated by micro laser sintering process which is a metal 3-D printing technique, allowing the components to be fabricated in a single piece with high resolution and good surface quality accurately. This paper shows that micro laser sintering can be used to reproduce high frequency filters repeatedly with almost identical responses. The micro laser sintering process can provide reproducibility for small to medium batch size production of high frequency components. The paper discusses the quality of both filters by comparing the measured results with simulated results and providing the surface roughness measurements. Both filters are tested, and measurement results have excellent agreement with simulated results.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2019 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019


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