360 degree assessment (multisource feedback) of UK trainee doctors: Field testing of team assessment of behaviours (TAB)

[No Value] [No Value], A Hassell, Alison Bullock, [No Value] [No Value], David Wall

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35 Citations (Scopus)


Background: This study was to see if the team assessment of behaviours (TAB) 360 degree assessment tool was able to identify interpersonal behaviour problems in doctors in training, to see if feedback was useful, to gauge the value of the process by those involved, and to learn lessons about implementing the process for the future. Methods: TAB was administered to assess interpersonal behaviours of senior house officers in four hospitals in the West Midlands, UK. In addition, questionnaires were sent to all participants, some were interviewed about the whole process, and records kept of the time involved. Results: One hundred and seventyone SHO volunteers received 1378 assessments. The median number of ratings per SHO was 8 (mode 9). Sixtyfour percent of SHOs received 'no concern' ratings in all four behaviours (domains) assessed. Twentyone percent received one 'some concern' rating. Fifteen percent received more than one 'concern' rating. Conclusion: Assessors and trainees found the process practical, valuable and fair. Educational supervisors found it valuable, although only 23% learned something new about their trainees. Clinical tutors valued the system. Administrative staff found it time consuming. The TAB four-domain rating form with its single pass category identified specific concern about volunteer trainees' professional behaviour. Not all trainees received skilled feedback.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)171-176
Number of pages6
JournalMedical Teacher
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2007


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