Immune Targeting of a Novel Tumour Endothelial Marker CLEC14A

  • Lee, Steve (Principal Investigator)
  • Bicknell, Roy (Co-Investigator)
  • Nagy, Zsuzsanna (Co-Investigator)

Project Details

Short titleImmune Targeting of a Novel Tumour Endothelial Marker CLEC14A
Effective start/end date1/09/1231/08/14


  • Cancer Research UK


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  • CAR T-cells targeting tumor endothelial marker CLEC14A inhibit tumor growth

    Zhuang, X., Maione, F., Robinson, J., Bentley, M., Kaul, B., Whitworth, K., Jumbu, N., Jinks, E., Bystrom, J., Gabriele, P., Garibaldi, E., Delmastro, E., Nagy, Z., Gilham, D., Giraudo, E., Bicknell, R. & Lee, S., 2 Oct 2020, In: JCI Insight. 5, 19, 19 p., e138808.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Citations (Scopus)
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