Epigenetic Mechanisms Regulating Normal and Malignant Haematopoiesis

Project Details

Short titleEpigenetic Mechanisms Regulating Normal and Malignant Haematopoiesis
Effective start/end date1/09/1130/04/13




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  • RUNX1 reshapes the epigenetic landscape at the onset of haematopoiesis

    Lichtinger, M., Ingram, R., Hannah, R., Müller, D., Clarke, D., Assi, S. A., Lie-A-Ling, M., Noailles, L., Vijayabaskar, M. S., Wu, M., Tenen, D. G., Westhead, D. R., Kouskoff, V., Lacaud, G., Göttgens, B. & Bonifer, C., 14 Nov 2012, In: The EMBO journal. 31, 22, p. 4318-4333 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    110 Citations (Scopus)
    239 Downloads (Pure)