Beyond Luttinger Liquids-Spin-Charge Separation at High Excitation Energies

  • Schofield, Andy (Principal Investigator)

Project Details

Short titleBeyond Luttinger Liquids-Spin-Charge Separation at High Excitation Energies
Effective start/end date31/10/1229/04/15


  • Engineering & Physical Science Research Council


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  • Nature of the many-body excitations in a quantum wire: theory and experiment

    Tsyplyatyev, O., Schofield, A. J., Jin, Y., Moreno, M., Tan, W. K., Anirban, A. S., Ford, C. J. B., Griffiths, J. P., Farrer, I., Jones, G. A. C. & Ritchie, D. A., 24 Feb 2016, In: Physical Review B. 93, 7, 21 p., 075147.

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  • Nonlinear spectra of spinons and holons in short GaAs quantum wires

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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  • Hierarchy of modes in an interacting one-dimensional system

    Tsyplyatyev, O., Schofield, A., Jin, Y., Tan, W., Ford, C., Griffiths, J., Farrer, I., Jones, G. & Ritchie, D., 11 May 2015, In: Physical Review Letters. 114, 5 p., 196401 .

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Citations (Scopus)
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