William Mack


Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I would be delighted to discuss research projects on any of my major research interests: ancient political institutions, interstate relations, the Greek city-states, and epigraphic culture.


Research activity per year

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Search results

  • Beyond potential citizenship: a network approach to understanding grants of Politeia

    Mack, W., 14 Feb 2019, La cité interconnectée dans le monde gréco-romain (ive siècle a.C.- ive siècle p.C.). : Transferts et réseaux institutionnels, religieux et culturels aux époques hellénistique et impériale. Dana, M. & Savalli-Lestrade, I. (eds.). Bordeaux: Ausonius

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review