Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Dr Dunkley-Jones currently supervises PhD projects on developing coccolith Sr/Ca ratios as a palaeoproductivity proxy through the Eocene/Oligocene transition and diversity and community processes in marine microplankton. He welcomes applications from potential doctoral researchers in all his areas of interest.


Research activity per year


University of Bristol

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Southampton

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of California System

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Leicester

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Texas System

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Stockholm University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Liverpool

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Imperial College London

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of California, Santa Cruz

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Plymouth

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Bremen

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

British Geological Survey

External organisation: Other Government Departments

University of Birmingham

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Oregon State University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University College London

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Purdue University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of South Carolina

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Cardiff University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Utrecht University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Michigan

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Arizona

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Pennsylvania State University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Tongji University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Hokkaido University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Aix Marseille University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Goethe University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Kochi University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Tohoku University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute


External organisation: Unknown

University of Exeter

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of New Orleans

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Granada

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Texas A and M University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Otago

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of New South Wales

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

George Mason University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

California Institute of Technology

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Federal University of Rio Grande Do Norte

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute


External organisation: Other Organisation

University of Victoria

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Jacobs University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

External organisation: Other Research-based Organisation

Indiana University Pennsylvania

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Kanazawa University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Australian National University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Shimane University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute


External organisation: Unknown

University of Florida

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of California, Davis

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Columbia University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Malaysia

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Paris-Saclay University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Padova

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Rice Univ

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Nottingham

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute


External organisation: Unknown

Tokyo Metropolitan University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

National Museum of Nature and Science

External organisation: No HESA Fund Source

University of Bergen

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Sheffield

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Université de Nantes

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Rhode Island

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute


External organisation: No HESA Fund Source

University of Leeds

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

UMR 7193

External organisation: Unknown

Northwest University (China)

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Hawaiʻi System

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Met Office

External organisation: Unknown

ETH Zürich

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Ibaraki University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute