Natasha Rulyova


Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Dr Rulyova's research interests include:

Collaborative translation
Translation Studies
Post-Soviet Russian media and new media
Genre Studies
Joseph Brodsky's translations and self-translations


• Mukile Kasongo, PhD (2018-date) Translation of Feminist Female African Authors into Russian in Late Soviet Period, Lead Supervisor.
• Olga Kenton Ph (2018-date) Writing a piece of non-fiction about Russian Immigrants in the UK, Co-supervisor.

Successfully submitted:

• Balsam Mustafa, PhD (2014-2018) Discourses of ISIS: Translation and Dissemination of ISIS Narratives in the Arab World and in the West’. Lead Supervisor
• Asmaa Alduhaim, PhD (2014-2018) Discourses of the Arab Spring: the Translation and Dissemination of Algaddafi’s and Mubarak’s Speeches in the West and in the Arab world. Lead Supervisor
• Jade McGlynn, MA by Research (2015-2017) Memory Wars: The conflation of the Great Patriotic War with the Ukraine Conflict in Russian political and media discourse.Lead Supervisor
• Jessica Holt, MRes (2016-2017) Nation, Body, Home: Gender and National Identity in the Work of Oksana Zabuzhko. Lead Supervisor
• Victoria Hudson, PhD (2009-2013) Russian Soft Power. Co-supervisor


Research activity per year

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