11 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Megan McDonald with the persons below:
Robert Jackson
- Biosciences - Head of School, Chair in Tree Pathology
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Academic
Mojgan Rabiey
- Biosciences - Honorary Research Fellow
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Honorary
Graeme Kettles
- Biosciences - Lecturer in Plant Pathology
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Academic
Jonathan Green
- Vice-Chancellor's Office - Director of Teaching Academy
- Biosciences - Emeritus Professor
Person: Academic, Honorary
Marco Catoni
- Biosciences - Associate Professor
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Academic
James McDonald
- Biosciences - Professor in Microbial Ecology
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Academic
Luisa Orsini
- Biosciences - Professor of Evolutionary Systems Biology and Environmental Omics
- Centre for Environmental Research and Justice
Person: Academic
Marc El Habr
- Cancer and Genomic Sciences - Associate Professor in Health Data Science
- Dubai Campus Research
Person: Academic
Robin May
- Biosciences - Professor of Infectious Diseases
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Academic
Alan McNally
- Microbes, Infections and Microbiomes - Professor of Microbial Evolutionary Genomics
Person: Academic