The University of Birmingham
Organisational unit: University
Cancer and Genomic Sciences
Organisational unit: Department
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: Health-related organisation
Bangor University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
St George’s, University of London
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Max-Planck Institute for Neurological Research Cologne
External organisation: Unknown
Hospital Ruber Internacional
External organisation: Medical
University of Cagliari
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Radboud Universiteit
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Verona
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: Health-related organisation
University of Birmingham
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University College London
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
German Sport University Cologne
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University Hospital Münster
External organisation: Health-related organisation
University of Cologne
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Muenster
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Hong Kong
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
External organisation: Unknown
Physiologisches Institut
External organisation: Unknown
Erasmus Medical Center
External organisation: Medical
Imperial College London
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Goethe University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute