The University of Birmingham
Organisational unit: University
Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Life and Environmental Sciences
Organisational unit: School
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Organisational unit: Department
Organisational unit: Department
Birmingham Medical School
Organisational unit: Department
University of Birmingham
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Western Sydney University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Oxford
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Leicester
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Linnaeus University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Royal Holloway University of London
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Gothenburg
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Central Lancashire
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Reading
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Brunel University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Lincoln
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Western University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Auckland University of Technology
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
CREAF Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Catalonia 08193 Spain
External organisation: Unknown
Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) Leioa 48940 Spain
External organisation: Unknown
Swansea University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway - Former organisation. 1/09/22.
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Zhejiang University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Liverpool
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Open University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Lunds Universitet
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Brighton
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Cambridge
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Queen Mary, University of London
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Imperial College London
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Leeds
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
External organisation: Overseas Government
USDA‐ARS Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit Urbana IL 61801 USA
External organisation: Unknown
University of Pretoria
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute