The University of Birmingham
Organisational unit: University
Applied Health Sciences
Organisational unit: Department
Immunology and Immunotherapy
Organisational unit: Department
Nursing and Midwifery
Organisational unit: Department
Birmingham Medical School
Organisational unit: Department
Cancer and Genomic Sciences
Organisational unit: Department
Organisational unit: Department
Keele University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Birmingham
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Uppsala
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
External organisation: Health-related organisation
Newcastle University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
External organisation: Medical
Erasmus University Rotterdam
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Manchester
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: Health-related organisation
Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
King’s College London
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
External organisation: Unknown
University of Warwick
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University College Dublin
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Oxford
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Utrecht University
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Pfizer Inc
External organisation: Industry
Janssen Research & Development, LLC
External organisation: Not-known
Sandwell & West Birmingham Hospitals
External organisation: Other
University of Nottingham
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University of Glasgow
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: Health-related organisation
Freeman Hospital
External organisation: Health-related organisation
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
External organisation: Health-related organisation
Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: Health-related organisation
Medical University of Vienna
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute
Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
External organisation: Unknown