Georgia Orton



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Research interests

Dr Georgia Orton's research interests span i) the synthesis of framework materials and air-sensitive molecules, ii) host-guest chemistry, and iii) understanding structure and reactivity via crystallography and spectroelectrochemistry.

Georgia completed her MChem (Europe) at the University of Sheffield in 2015, including a year at The University of Bordeaux. Following this, she joined the Hogarth group at King’s College London for a PhD focusing on producing biomimics of the iron-only hydrogenase enzyme as electrocatalysts for hydrogen oxidation. In 2019, Georgia joined the Champness group, initially in Nottingham and later in Birmingham, to work on metal-organic frameworks for mechanistic studies of reactions within frameworks. 

In October 2023 Georgia took up a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship. 


  • QD Chemistry
  • metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
  • crystallography


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