Caroline Moraes


  • Room 145, University House, 116 Edgbaston Park Road

    B15 2TY Birmingham

    United Kingdom

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Current research topics of interest include:
• Community consumption
• Consumer boycotts and buycotts
• Consumer vulnerability
• Craft consumption and marketing
• Ethical, sustainable and responsible consumption
• Food insecurity
• Prosumption
• Responsible marketing
• Social marketing
• Creative approaches to qualitative consumer research


Research activity per year


University of Salford

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Bristol

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Chester

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Swansea University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Limerick

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Cardiff University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Coventry University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Evergreen Life

External organisation: Unknown

University of Liverpool

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Pennsylvania State University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Glasgow

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Huddersfield

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute


External organisation: No HESA Fund Source

Soil Association

External organisation: Unknown

Heriot-Watt University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Almeria

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Keele University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Birmingham

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute