Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Carl Clarke has performed a wide variety of research work in Parkinson's disease over the last 25 years. This includes work on the MPTP primate model of the condition, examination of several potential diagnostic tests, systematic reviews of clinical trials in Parkinson's disease, and work on the effects of Parkinson's disease on quality of life and health economics. He is currently leading large pragmatic clinical trials examining medical, surgical and rehabilitation interventions in the condition (PD MED, PD SURG, PD REHAB and PD GEN). Professor Clarke was also the clinical adviser to the technical team preparing the NICE Parkinson's disease guidelines.

As well as engaging in the supervision of doctoral researchers (MD and PhD), Professor Clarke is Director of Research and Development at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust.

1998 …2024

Research activity per year

Other contribution

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