Alessandra Guariglia


Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Alessandra Guariglia's research and supervision interests include:

How can Chinese firms experience extremely high growth rates, in spite of the malfunctioning of the Chinese financial system?
Is there evidence of investment misallocation in China owing to the inadequacy of the Chinese financial system?
Is there evidence of 'overinvestment' in China, thus threatening the Chinese economy? If so, which firms' characteristics are likely to be associated with this behaviour?
Is there evidence of rapid and dramatic structural changes in the industrial sector in China, with considerable divestment as well as heavy investment, and how can this be explained?
How does investment in social capital affect the financing decisions of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?
How does investment irreversibility affect the relationship between investment and cash flow?
Does the way in which investment opportunities are measured affect the investment-cash flow sensitivities for unlisted SMEs?


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