Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Aditi Kanhere’s research focuses on understanding how non-coding RNA, transcription factors and epigenetic modifications regulate gene expression changes in normal and diseased conditions. Her laboratory integrates cutting-edge genomics technologies with computational methods to understand mechanisms of transcription regulation in cancer.

Dr Kanhere’s research group is currently working on:

Identifying and characterising novel RNAs in various cancers
Building regulatory networks involving epigenetic modifications and ncRNAs in normal and diseased cells
Novel mechanisms of transcription factor interactions and their role in gene regulation


Research activity per year

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Search results

  • Identification of RNA-protein interactions through in-vitro RNA pull-down assays

    Barnes, C. & Kanhere, A., 8 Sept 2016, (Accepted/In press) Identification of RNA-protein interactions through in-vitro RNA pull-down assays . Lanzuolo, C. & Bodega, B. (eds.). 1 ed. Vol. 1480. (Methods in molecular biology; vol. 1480).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review