Adam Charles Schembri


Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

At the University of Birmingham, I have worked with PhD students conducting research into the morphology of Russian Sign Language (Masha Kyuseva) and interpretation between African-American Vernacular English and American Sign Language (Sharon Hill). Current PhD students are working on co-speech gestures in Polish/English bilinguals (Paulina Poplawksa), attitudes towards sign language variation in Algeria (Hadjira Cherif), on the grammar of Kufr Qassem Sign Language (Marah Jaraisy) and of Nepali Sign Language (Arjun Shrestha). I am also co-supervising a PhD student in Psychology with Robin Thompson who is working on sign language attitudes in younger deaf people (Kate Groves), and another student at the University of Melbourne leading on research into signing varieties in deaf communities of Hawai (Eleanor Jorgensen).
I am primarily interested in supervising students with an interest in sign language linguistics, gesture studies, as well as sociolinguistic variation and change in both spoken and signed languages.


Research activity per year


Imperial College London

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Macquarie University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Haifa

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Heriot-Watt University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Heriot Watt Univ

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Central Lancashire

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Amsterdam

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of Newcastle

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Renwick College

External organisation: Unknown

Victoria University of Wellington

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

University of California, Davis

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Ghent University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute


External organisation: Unknown

University of California System

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

KU Leuven

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Trinity College Dublin

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute


External organisation: Unknown

University of Bergen

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Bar-Ilan University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Keio University

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

External organisation: University or other Higher Education Institute

Defeating Deafness - Former organisation. 3/06/13. Taken over by Royal National Institute for Deaf People

External organisation: Other